Kali Linux - How to make wordlist (Crunch)

Wordlists are (often huge) lists of all possible combinations with given letters (in my case: pkSg7y4Z). They can be any length and they can contain every character.

How to create your own wordlist? See steps below!

1. Boot Kali Linux.

2. Open terminal and type in "crunch".

You will see some information about Crunch. Now, let's create wordlist!

3. Type in crunch <minimum length> <maximum length> <characters> -o <output>

I will type crunch 1 4 k2Tz -o /root/Desktop/wordlist.txt

Which means that it will have minimum characters of 1 and maximum of 4, characters will be k2Tz and it will be saved in desktop as wordlist.txt.

Press enter.

Note: Watch out for capital letter in "Desktop".

4. After some time your wordlist will be saved. If length of your words is bigger, it will take more time for Crunch to complete. Also you will need much space for bigger wordlists.

You can do more things with Crunch:

1. crunch 5 5 abcde14 -t @@@14 -d 2@ -o wordlist.txt

This will create wordlist that will replace last 2 characters with "14".

It can also be used @@14@@, or 14@@@, or whatever you like.

2. crunch 5 5 bcopuw2468 -s cow28 -c 33

This will make all possible combinations with bcopuw2468 between cow28 and 33, so it will make combinations like cow28XXX33 (xxx is random string)

3. crunch 2 4 -p kite sky car -o owl.txt

This will make all possible combinations with words "kite", "sky" and "car".

For example: kite sky car, sky car kite, car sky kite etc...

4. crunch 6 6 -t @^42%3 -l a^aaaa -o art.txt

In this case Crunch will will treat the ^ symbol as itself, rather than a representative of a special character. The sequence will commence with "a^4213" and end in "z^4293" and the output art.txt will be produced.

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